The Waterbug Company is run by a bunch of Australian freshwater ecologists. Our main passion is waterbugs, but we have experience in all sorts of other freshwatery topics.
Checkout The National Waterbug Blitz! ….especially the Mapping page where you can see whether the rivers near you are knackered or not. Data from the blitz comes from people like YOU via The Waterbug App (on iOs and android). To participate download THE WATERBUG APP.
or you can use the paper version – the ALT keys (v1.5)
Need Waterbug sampling gear?

The Waterbug Shop is run by Embrace Ecology, they have all the bits you’ll need to participate in The National Waterbug Blitz …except the App …but that’s free …see above.
Look what you can do with Waterbug Blitz data! The State of our Rivulets report was completed for The City of Hobart. It gives us useful insight into where the rivulets start to go bad. Click on the front cover (left) for the full report!
Platypus! We don’t deal with them here. …but they do here:

Waterbug Face – Need a Waterbug ID confirmed by a bunch of friendly people? or have you got a waterbug with no name? Try waterbug face ( It is totally free, and we try and get an opinion back to you quicksmart… Simply post a picture of your waterbug with a note to let us know what info are you after? Despite the international nature of the web …our answers are going to be more accurate for waterbugs from Australia and surrounds!
Papua New Guinea –Binatang bilong Warra