Edward and John have spent over ten years photographing freshwater invertebrates…which adds up to silly amounts of film (we missed the digital era by about 2 years). We are more than happy for you to use these in talks, and lessons. We do sell them however, and are keen to extract money from you if you are using them in contexts where money is being thrown around. As a rule of thumb…if you are paying graphic designers on a project…we will be offended if you ask for free images.
So, feel free to use them for educational, non-profit purposes; it’s rather nice to see them getting used. If you would like higher resolution images or any of the other images in The Waterbug Book, you can request them from us directly (citing page number and position), see the contacts page.

Tom Sloane and Hans Benisch joined forces with John and Ed in 2005 and shot almost 50 hours of waterbug footage. We are still putting off the monumental task of going through it again and making it into a doco…..one day. In the meantime, have a look at the clips we have on the waterbug movie page. Kids love them, parents…not so much.